The advertised price at gas stations is the cash price - when you pay with cash, you save money. With a credit card, there is a slight additional cost. By having your customers pay a small additional fee, this will offset your processing costs. That's it! 0FeeCC Cash Discount program does this for you compliantly and automatically.
Due to High Demand
Your PCI Compliant Terminal is held for the next
The way this works is that the customer pays a small service fee (4%) when using their credit card, which 0FeeCC uses to cover all transaction costs.
You, the merchant, get the full transaction for every sale and at the end of the month there are no fees or bills.
It's as simple as that.
With 0FeeCC You
"If at any point you decide that the 0FeeCC service is not right for your business, we will match whatever deal you currently have with your Credit Card Processing Company and switch you back to the traditional credit card processing platform."
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